where i have been.

1. In love. With myself. With him. With the trees. With the birds. With the music. With the words. With my people.

2. Sick. With pneumonia, the doctor thinks, and so I give in to the new antibiotics and cough syrup with codeine so I can feel like a sane person again, maybe.

3. Awaiting clarity. So many decisions to make by the end of summer and no leads yet. Intuition, show yourself.

4. Whole30-ing. I'm out the other side now and finding myself eating largely the same, with the exception of some yogurt here and some sugar there. But I feel great and have a much smaller appetite and even lost five pounds so, I'm proud.

5. At the beach. And the lake. Any excuse to be near water in the sunshine, I'm finding it.

6. Wishing summer would go a little bit slower, with a little more free time, a little more space and quiet and the stuff childhood summers are made of. I wonder how I can find more of that...

7. Dreaming of making this blanket. I figure maybe by Christmas it could be done. Better get started...

8. Wearing the most perfect pair of shoes I have ever owned, ever. 

9. Doing a summer manifesto workshop at Luniac Glamour! There was a meditation, a Mary Oliver poem, chatting and sharing our goals, and of course LG's pink champagne and popcorn.

10. Getting ready to head out to Philly for the weekend with Jana and Rachel. There's something so good about getting a change of scenery and seeing old friends, right?


summer: weeks 02 + 03.


summer: week 01.