without shame, or judgment, or apology.

When I walk down the hall or the street or through the house,
the click of my heels –
the grown-up heels in the form of ankle boots from a dear friend
they click and clack and reverberate through the walls, the buildings, the ceilings.

I will not step lighter to hush their noises. 

I will not step faster to hurry their sounds.

I will step, and step, and step again, loudly and clearly and
without shame
or judgment
or apology.

When I write my words or post my pictures,
the sentiment that gets poured through --
be it in a smile or a non-smile or a foot or a cup or a tree --
it will be taken however it will be taken.

I will not post less to quiet myself.
I will not post differently to morph myself.

I will post, and post, and post again, loudly and clearly and
without shame
or judgment
or apology.

When I move through the world
in tears, or anger, or elation, or anxiety --
and oftentimes they all go hand-in-hand in the strangest paradox I've known --
I will love them and welcome them all the same.

I will not stifle anger for fear of stepping on toes.
I will not suppress tears for worry of looking weak.

I will feel, and feel, and feel again, loudly and clearly,
without shame
or judgment
or apology.

These are my newest 2014 vows and I love them. You? 

january weekends.


christmas in connecticut.