i love what i do // 04.


"I had no idea on Earth how I was going to make it happen... but I knew that I had to make it happen."


mara glatzel, 29

occupation: energy healer + coach

college major: undergrad - english
grad - masters in social work


Ruth: How long have you loved what you do?

Mara: I have loved what I do since September 29, 2008 when I posted my very first blog post on my website. I remember the feeling of that post, the excitement as I hit publish and sent my words into the unknown. That day changed my entire life. 

R: How did you feel and what did you do before now?

M: Before I worked in my business full time, I was a hula hoop go-go dancing, cab driving, kitchen managing, waitress who was simultaneously working towards her Masters in Social Work. That time of my life was definitely fun, but as I moved closer to moving into my career as a social worker... I found myself riddled with panic. I was deeply overwhelmed by my case load. I was exhausted. I felt uncomfortable in my skin. I had the craziest road rage, taking out all of my anxiety as I screamed at the cars around me through my windows while navigating Boston traffic. I was wound tight.

R: When was the first time you realized that you love what you do?

M: The last day of my last catering gig was epically disastrous. It was the kind of job that you finish by swearing to yourself that you will never, ever do that again - no matter how good the money is. At the end of that gig, I took my waitressing shoes off and threw them in the trash can. That moment was the first time I really surrendered to my deep love for the business that I was building. That moment was a moment of blind faith. I had no idea on Earth how I was going to make it happen... but I knew that I had to make it happen. That was the moment that I truly took responsibility for the quality and caliber of my daily life. 

R: Describe what you do now and what a typical day looks like.

M: I start each day off with a ritual of drinking a glass of water before I do anything else. During this time, I set up my energy fields for the day and set an intention to guide me. Then, I start drinking coffee, checking my email, and creating a plan for the day. I think about what a human being might reasonably be able to complete, and I don't put more on my plate than that. Then, I work - writing, creating, emailing, and talking to clients. Somewhere in there I try to get outside to move my body, eat something delicious, and chat with my best friends. Sometimes I watch The First Wives Club in the middle of the afternoon or play hooky and go on an adventure with my sweetheart. I try to keep things flexible - manageable. I try not to overwhelm myself into a place of inaction. And, I (reallyreallyreally) try to prioritize taking care of myself.

R: What were the steps you took that got you to loving what you do?

M: Show up, even when you don't want to. Allow yourself to dream, expanding the borders and your own edges with your hands as you do. Don't forget to take exquisite care of yourself - now and not when you've reached some sort of always changing end point. Allow yourself to fail and make mistakes both large and small, as they are crucial for building something real, something that fits you. Don't let other people talk you out of it, even (and especially) if you are the only person who believes in what you're doing. 

Basically, don't give up. And don't forget to take care of yourself while you're doing it.

R: Is there something about your work that makes you feel like you're contributing to a greater good?

M: I want to live in a world filled with brave women standing in their power and asking for what they need - out loud and in the presence of the people in their lives. I believe that, on a global level, filling the world with brave women allows for a kinder, brighter planet where each and every one of us is able to grant ourselves permission to be who we are. But, mostly, a really good day is a day feeling proud that I have impacted one woman in one conversation or curated one moment of insight.

R: Do you have any advice for others on their way to loving what they do?

M: You might have a vision for your life or a big dream, and the people around you might not understand it. They might not share your vision. They might feel triggered by you granting yourself permission to love what you do. Do it anyway. Find your people - the people who will support you on this path. Find the people who will rally around you as your building a life that you love. That piece, the community piece, is crucial. 

R: If you could whittle it down, what was the ONE most important thing you did to begin loving what you do?

M: I told myself I was allowed to have it.


Mara Glatzel is an intuitive coach and energy healer. She works with audacious women who have the sacred (and stubborn) drive for evolution and a desire to cultivate extraordinarily joyful lives. Relying on her core tenets of self-love, self-trust, and radical self-responsibility, Mara guides women home to themselves, teaching them how to remarkable create lives and businesses brimming with ease and permission. To learn more about her work, you can catch up with her on Facebook, twitter, or sign up to receive weekly missives and heart-opening encouragement.


wild moon t-shirts are here!


i love what i do // 03.